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Our Crew in Action At Duluth Citywide Our Crew in Action At Duluth Citywide


Project Overview

Veit’s CIPP crew completed a relining project for the City of Duluth’s sewer sanitary system. CIPP, or cured-in-place pipelining, is a method of installing an epoxy liner inside of an existing utility line. This is frequently done when an older pipeline is beginning to fail, and is preferred due to its lower cost as opposed to installing a completely new pipe.  Veit crews performed this service throughout the City of Duluth to repair their existing sewers.

municipal & public
City of Duluth
Type of Project
April 2020- November 2020
Veit employee in heavy equipment
Your crew is a fantastic representation of Veit. Please commend these gentlemen for the awesome work they do. It’s obvious that they care about and enjoy working for you. Thanks for your time and Veit’s professionalism.
Welsh Construction, LLC Christian Mowery

Challenges We Solved

Covid Pandemic
This contract was awarded early spring of 2020 when the Covid-19 crisis began. This was the first CIPP contract we performed during the pandemic. Our crews continued to work efficiently to provide this essential service to the city, while also applying new safety guidelines and practices to our daily routines. An unforeseen benefit to the crisis was the lower level of traffic that would normally create a safety hazard, due to most of the public being at home.
Fragility of Existing Utility Line
In order to install the CIPP for the existing utility lines, we had to assess the weaknesses in the failing pipe and determine the structural integrity of the pipe at various points. Our knowledge of CIPP and our crews’ familiarity with the limits of CIPP resulted in a successfully completed project without disruption to the aging lateral waste lines.